Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Degenerates comic

This is a comic produced around 1995 while I was still in High School. I'm pretty sure I was in to  image comics like Cyberforce at the time as can be sen by the character designs.  I didn't even bother to draw a proper cover for the comic so I must have gotten over it by the time I finished it. I love the fact that there are almost no backgrounds in the book. 

I have posted this as I found it. My mum was getting ride of a box of my old stuff and I found this along with some other comics. I haven't bothered to fix the appalling spelling in the book and as you can see many of the pages are going brown. I don't think anyone apart from myself has ever seen this book so, for the first time ever....

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm glad you posted it, craptastic as it is, it's still a very impressive approximation of bronze age super hero storytelling!
    The leader character reminded me of Deadlock from the A.B.C. Warriors of 2000ad both in design and dialogue, could that have been an influence?
